Friday, November 21, 2008

Monkeying Around

I LOVE MONKIES! A Guinean was trying to sell this little guy to our friends, but they didn't want to buy him. I (Stef) would in a heartbeat if we had a place to keep him. But for now...I'll just pet him at my friend's house:)
He's on my lap, just in case you can't see him:)

1 comment:

Família Berto said...

Que bonitinho!... o macaquinho e os dois pequenininhos tambem(MICAH E ELIJAH)
Voces estao d parabens com o seu Blog, eu tenho seguido de perto os seus new posts.
O nosso endereco e:
Um GRANDE abraco e que Deus continue a abencoa-los grandemente!
Edna pela familia